Signed the Charter to strengthen trustworthy communication
Simpleum Media GmbH has signed the Charter to strengthen trustworthy communication and thus supports the federal government in its goal of making Germany the encryption site No. 1.
In the federal government’s Digital Agenda 2014-2017, the topic of security is:
“The federal government is committed to the goal of establishing security and protection in the internet in such a way that digitalization can unfold its full potential for society and the economy in Germany… We support more and better encryption. We want to become encryption site No. 1 in the world. To do this, the encryption of private communication in the width should become the standard. ”

“Encryption must be self-evident”
Interview with Johannes Golombek, CEO Simpleum Media GmbH
How can a start-up like Simpleum support the objectives of the Charter?
“We have noticed that many private individuals, individual entrepreneurs and smaller companies often do not adequately serve the field of data security. This has many causes, often lack of knowledge or even complicated software is the reason that data encryption is not yet used.
Simpleum has developed the SimpleumSafe App for Apple Mac and iOS with the goal of providing a truly easy-to-use solution for strong encryption. We hope that user encryption will not be an extra expense, that no special training is necessary or other entry barriers exist.
As a start-up, we were able to develop a new solution from the ground up with the named targets and have successfully placed them on the market. ”
What does data encryption need to do today?
“A continuous encryption of data is important for private individuals, individual entrepreneurs and smaller companies. This means that they still have to remain encrypted after the first encryption, for example when the files are viewed or edited. This group of users often does not have the technical competence to professionally assure the computers and networks. So it is important that even on compromised computers the data is still protected. ”
What about data security in the cloud?
„Cloud-Dienste bieten viele neue Möglichkeiten, aber die Vergangenheit hat leider auch schon deutlich gezeigt, dass Daten per se in der Cloud nicht sicher sind. Hier ist mindestens eine Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung notwendig, damit für den Fall, dass die Daten aus der Cloud gestohlen wurden, diese nicht einsehbar sind. Aus diesem Grund ist es bei unserer Lösung auch nicht möglich, aus der Cloud gestohlene Daten zu entschlüsseln, selbst wenn das Passwort bekannt ist.
Mit diesen Konzepten finden wir als deutsche Firma sehr viel Zuspruch. Auch von Kunden aus dem Ausland, die bei Sicherheit auf Made in Germany setzen und bewusst deutsche Lösungen suchen.“
“Cloud services offer many new opportunities, but the past has also clearly shown that data per se is not secure in the cloud. At least one end-to-end encryption is required here, so that if the data is stolen from the cloud, it is not visible. For this reason, with our solution SimpleumSafe, it is not possible to decrypt data stolen from the cloud even if the password is known.
As a German company, we find much agreement with these concepts. Also from customers from abroad who rely on Made in Germany for security and are consciously looking for German solutions.