Simpleum Media GmbH participates in the European Cyber Security Month

We are happy to join the European Cyber Security Months again this year!

“ECSM is the EU’s annual advocacy campaign that takes place in October and aims to raise awareness of cyber security threats, promote cyber security among citizens and provide up to date security information, through education and sharing of good practices.” (Source:

The BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) coordinates the German actions in the European Cyber Security Months.

Logo Europäischer Monat der Cyber-Security ECSM 2016

During the European Cyber Security Months we reduce the price of our software to facilitate the access in the encryption also in terms of price.

Why choose SimpleumSafe?
Nowadays it is not enough “only” to encrypt your data to be protected. If you want to view, organize, or edit the encrypted files, they also must be protected. It is important not to leave any trace on the system, and even if a Trojan looks over your shoulder, it can not copy all your files to the Internet.

SimpleumSafe goes a different way than most other encryption programs. After authorization with a password, the files are not provided in the file system. Otherwise they would be completely vulnerable from this moment on. SimpleumSafe makes its own file system and has its own finder. Thus the files remain encrypted for the entire time.