18 tips to protect iPhone/tablet and laptop when you travel

Whether it’s a long vacation or a weekend break, always remember to keep your mobile devices up to date. We’ve put together some useful tips for you to help protect your equipment while you travel. Be vigilant and attentive even in the most beautiful time of the year.

Many of the tips are also suitable for the daily use of mobile devices.
Be sure to use strong passwords for all your devices!
Read our password tips.

Additionally protect your devices with security software (antivirus/antispyware).

  1. Always up-to-date
    Get used to downloading and installing the latest updates on a regular basis for all devices.

  2. Enable Autolock and password protection on the iphone.

  3. Turn off Bluetooth
    Turn off Bluetooth when you no longer need it. Everyone who is near can probably intercept your signal and access your phone.

  4. IMEI
    Note the unique device number of your i-Phone. This device number is called IMEI: International Mobile Station Equipment Identity. The IMEI appears when you start the phone app and enter this code: * # 06 #. You can write down the IMEI and keep it safe.

  5. W-Lan
    Use only secure W-Lan access (https). It is best to use a VPN service. Take care. If you don’t use VPN, anyone can capture your identity information and credit card data, and read your emails.

  6. Check your accounts
    Check your sensitive accounts (bank account), etc. regularly to detect unauthorized access at an early stage.

  7. Social Media
    Do not tell anyone on your social media channels that you are on vacation. Don’t talk about when you’re going to travel, or where you go.

  8. Not without my laptop
    Never leave your laptop unattended! Not at the airport, in public transport, the hotel room, etc. If it can not be avoided, put it in a stable bag and secure it with a safety cable with lock on a heavy, immovable object (e.g. a heater). If you travel often, it is worthwhile to buy a Pacsafe.

  9. Not a good partnership
    Do never keep the password together with the laptop or iPhone!

  10. Never check-in the laptop on the flight Always in the hand luggage. When you go through the security check, look exactly where your laptop is. It is best to keep it back until the person in front of you has already passed through the detector. This is the only way to ensure that you do not lose sight of it.

  11. Use tracking software (find my Mac)

  12. Backup, Backup, Backup
    Before you travel, you should make a backup and keep this home. So you own a copy of your data for the worst case.

  13. Camouflage your laptop
    If you carry your laptop in a luxurious laptop bag, this could grab someones attention. Use a laptop backpack or an opaque bag. Even a linen bag does a good job here. In any case, something completely inconspicuous.

  14. Airplane/Train/Bus
    Stay watchful. If you are not using your laptop on the plane, put it under the seat in front of you. Never in the luggage racks above the seats, where strangers have easy access to it. This also applies to other modes of transportation such as train or bus. Always keep the laptop in sight.

  15. Taxi/rental car
    Don’t storage your mobile devices in the trunk of a taxi. Always take them to the passenger compartment. If you use a rental car, never leave your mobile devices unattended in the car. Not even for a few minutes.

  16. In public
    If you are using your laptop in public, do not allow anyone to look over your shoulder, when you enter a password. If possible, do not have highly confidential conversations with your iPhone.

  17. Passwords
    Prepare an (encrypted) USB stick or a written list of passwords for your accesses. After a loss of the laptop, password changes must be made on various accounts (PayPal, e-mail account, etc.).

  18. Never use Airport USB charging stations
    “Plugging into a public USB port is kind of like finding a toothbrush on the side of the road and deciding to stick it in your mouth. You have no idea where that thing has been,” says Caleb Barlow, Vice President of X-Force Threat Intelligence at IBM Security.  “And remember that that USB port can pass data.” It’s much safer to bring your regular charger along and plug it into a wall outlet or, alternatively, bring a portable power bank to recharge your phone when you’re low on bars. Forbes article

If it is possible, leave your laptop at home and buy a simple phone that you can use on travel.

Would like to learn more about how to encrypt your sensitive data on your MacBook or iPhone/iPad? Check out SimpleumSafe.

Want to learn more about which security settings exist on your MacBook and which of them you have enabled? Free download our security advisor SimpleumCheck.

Have a safe journey and relaxed holidays.

Sincerely yours Simpleum Team