Safe migration to SimpleumSafe 3
Safes need to be updated
SimpleumSafe 3 supports many new functionalities. For this reason, previous Safes (SimpleumSafe 1 and 2) have to be converted to the new SimpleumSafe 3 data format.
SimpleumSafe 1 and 2 Safes are not compatible with SimpleumSafe 3.
You can no longer open Safes that have been updated to SimpleumSafe 3 with SimpleumSafe 2.
Safes with iCloud synchronization need to be resynchronized
SimpleumSafe 3 has changed the technology, like Safes synced through the iCloud.
Now syncing with Apple technology iCloud CloudKit (before it was iCloud Drive). With CloudKit, a mature technology is now used that has solved many problems of the old iCloud technology.
During the migration, the new settings are automatically set for you. However, all data must be resynchronized as a different technique is used.
The previous synchronization data will be deleted from iCloud Drive.