
Why are we switching SimpleumSafe to subscription?

Today we are switching SimpleumSafe to a subscription model.

Our customers want a constantly evolving, high-quality product - and subscription allows us to deliver on that expectation.

Why are we changing?

SimpleumSafe has been available at a one-time price since 2016. In 2017 we released version 2 without additional update costs. We have been working on SimpleumSafe 3 since 2019.

We develop for the Apple platform and unfortunately Apple has not introduced a proper update payment model yet. So for the past few years we’ve been considering the subscription model and wondering if it’s a suitable business model for us. The previous model has proved to be unsatisfactory.

Software development, especially security software, is expensive. Staying up to date is important and skilled developers in this area are scarce. The previous model offered neither sufficient cost-effectiveness nor planning security.

Issues with the pre-paid paid model

The paid upfront model has some weaknesses that make us switch to the subscription model:

1. Slower development

With the paid advance model, we have to intentionally deprive our customers of major new features and save them for important updates or paid versions. This slows down development because large updates are harder to develop, test, and release. This disadvantage becomes even clearer when you consider that many other app developers have already switched to the subscription model and are constantly releasing new functions.

2. Outstanding Paid Upgrades

Paid upgrades need to be flashy enough to be exciting and worth mentioning, but not so much that it feels like an entirely new app to learn from scratch. However, if a paid upgrade doesn’t stand out enough, there’s less incentive to upgrade.

3. No upgrade discounts in the App Store

For large paid upgrades, customers expect an upgrade discount - which is perfectly fair. However, as we only sell our apps through the App Store, it is not possible to offer upgrade discounts.

4. Different value for early and late buyers

Suppose someone buys your app shortly after a major paid upgrade has been released and also gets a full cycle of updates. That’s great. What if they buy the app at the end of the cycle? Not so great. Thus, users who buy early receive more value than those who buy later.

5. New users become more important than existing ones

With a paid upfront model, the focus is on attracting new users through major updates to make things better for existing users until eventually a paid upgrade has to be released. Then the cycle begins again. This means that new users are more important than existing ones, and flashy new features become more important than improvements to existing features.

Benefits of the subscription model

The subscription model offers a number of benefits that are attractive to both us as developers and our customers:

1. Trial version for iOS and macOS

SimpleumSafe is now “free” to download, so we can offer a fully functional, time-limited trial on all platforms, sync included and all. This is certainly better than a pure Mac demo.

2. Accessibility for more people

Many people may not be able to afford a full purchase. However, most of these individuals will be able to pay a few euros or dollars each month. This makes the app accessible to a larger number of people.

3. No more holding back new features

Subscriptions relieve us of the pressure to roll out major updates on a regular basis. We no longer need to randomly combine features to create an incentive to buy or create a good reason for a paid update. Of course we will continue to provide updates, but you will get new features sooner and hopefully more often because we can just keep releasing them.

4. Adaptation to the current release cycle of iOS and macOS

Subscriptions also fit better with today’s technology landscape. Apple releases new versions of macOS, iOS, and iPadOS every year. There are always new possibilities that also make sense for SimpleumSafe. In addition, changes to the platforms require adjustments by app developers. With every generation of devices, new features are added, so the app environment is changing rapidly and we need to keep up. Our users always expect good service from us. All of these adjustments, as small as they may seem, take time and energy on an ongoing basis. Subscriptions are the only viable solution to these new cycles.


We are convinced that the switch to the subscription model is the right decision for us and our customers.

We know we will lose some customers who are not willing to switch to this new model. However, our goal is to continue developing SimpleumSafe in the long term and we believe that our new prices are reasonable. After all, with our software you protect your valuable data, and for this continuous updates and improvements are essential.

The subscription model allows us to offer our customers a best-in-class, future-proof product while remaining at the cutting edge of technology and ensuring our economic stability.

We would like to thank all of our loyal customers who have supported SimpleumSafe so far and we hope that you will continue to stay with us and reap the benefits of the subscription model. Our commitment remains unchanged: we will continue to work hard to provide you with the best possible security solution for your data.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time of change. We look forward to continuing to bring you innovative features and improvements in SimpleumSafe.

Signed the Charter to strengthen trustworthy communication

Simpleum Media GmbH has signed the Charter to strengthen trustworthy communication and thus supports the federal government in its goal of making Germany the encryption site No. 1.

In the federal government’s Digital Agenda 2014-2017, the topic of security is:

“The federal government is committed to the goal of establishing security and protection in the internet in such a way that digitalization can unfold its full potential for society and the economy in Germany…  We support more and better encryption. We want to become encryption site No. 1 in the world. To do this, the encryption of private communication in the width should become the standard. ”

“Encryption must be self-evident”

Interview with Johannes Golombek, CEO Simpleum Media GmbH

How can a start-up like Simpleum support the objectives of the Charter?

“We have noticed that many private individuals, individual entrepreneurs and smaller companies often do not adequately serve the field of data security. This has many causes, often lack of knowledge or even complicated software is the reason that data encryption is not yet used.

Simpleum has developed the SimpleumSafe App for Apple Mac and iOS with the goal of providing a truly easy-to-use solution for strong encryption. We hope that user encryption will not be an extra expense, that no special training is necessary or other entry barriers exist.
As a start-up, we were able to develop a new solution from the ground up with the named targets and have successfully placed them on the market. ”

What does data encryption need to do today?

“A continuous encryption of data is important for private individuals, individual entrepreneurs and smaller companies. This means that they still have to remain encrypted after the first encryption, for example when the files are viewed or edited. This group of users often does not have the technical competence to professionally assure the computers and networks. So it is important that even on compromised computers the data is still protected. ”

What about data security in the cloud?

„Cloud-Dienste bieten viele neue Möglichkeiten, aber die Vergangenheit hat leider auch schon deutlich gezeigt, dass Daten per se in der Cloud nicht sicher sind. Hier ist mindestens eine Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung notwendig, damit für den Fall, dass die Daten aus der Cloud gestohlen wurden, diese nicht einsehbar sind. Aus diesem Grund ist es bei unserer Lösung auch nicht möglich, aus der Cloud gestohlene Daten zu entschlüsseln, selbst wenn das Passwort bekannt ist.

Mit diesen Konzepten finden wir als deutsche Firma sehr viel Zuspruch. Auch von Kunden aus dem Ausland, die bei Sicherheit auf Made in Germany setzen und bewusst deutsche Lösungen suchen.“

“Cloud services offer many new opportunities, but the past has also clearly shown that data per se is not secure in the cloud. At least one end-to-end encryption is required here, so that if the data is stolen from the cloud, it is not visible. For this reason, with our solution SimpleumSafe, it is not possible to decrypt data stolen from the cloud even if the password is known.

As a German company, we find much agreement with these concepts. Also from customers from abroad who rely on Made in Germany for security and are consciously looking for German solutions.

Password - 12 creative tips

Today we would like to give you some recommendations and tips on the topic of password.

Nowadays passwords are something like door or safe keys to something important, secret or deserving special protection. For this reason, they  deserve our special care. Always consider what other, malicious people can do with your account on your behalf.

Some tips are a bit more elaborate beforehand, but in the long run you can get used to a course of action that does little work.

Basically, the recommendation has prevailed that long passwords are better than complex ones.

Good tips on how to create a strong password are provided by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
Read the (German) article here.

1. Clean up online services and accounts

First, check where you use online services and own accounts. You will be surprised what has been unused for a long time. Spit up outdated accounts and services and delete them. Many of these old accounts still have weak passwords. If these have been hacked, your data, e-mail addresses, etc. will wander through the web.

If you are affected, react immediately!

Make the effort to clean up your accounts. It’s worth it!

2. For each account a new password

Give each of your remaining accounts an own password, this will give you higher security. If you have assigned a single password for all accounts, a hack puts all your accounts at risk.

3. Change passwords regularly

Make it a habit to change your passwords on a regular basis in all accounts. It is best to do so every 30 days, but at least every 90 days. If you have previously deleted superfluous accounts, this point will certainly be easier for you.

4. Use a password manager

To store all your passwords securely, be sure to use a password manager. Many password managers have a password generator that makes it easier for you to think about new passwords every month. You can also store your passwords encrypted in SimpleumSafe. The SimpleumSafe has a password check to test the suitability of new passwords.

5. Regularly set up updates

Security starts with the timeliness of your software. Stay up to date everywhere and always and follow the update notes as quickly as possible. This applies to operating systems, browsers, virus software, etc.

6. Use two-factor Authentication

In addition to a password (from memory or password manager), two-factor authentication requires further information generated by a device. As a result, an attacker must have your password and device. If an account offers the option for two-factor authentication, then use it.

7. Transfer password securely

Never enter your password on public computers, such as the Internet Café. If you use foreign Wi-Fi connections (e.g. café, hotel) then use a VPN service. They use encrypted channels to transfer your password to the respective system and you cannot be intercepted in the often unsafe Wi-Fi.

8. Never send passwords

Whether the boss, wife or neighbor is asking for: Never send your password by email, messenger, etc. Also, stay most attentive to pishing emails. Fake mail is becoming more and more professional and ask for your personal information to be shared. Your bank and other companies will never ask you by e-mail to send your confidential data.

9. No paper, no post-its

Never write down your passwords on paper! Also not if you  “hide it well ,” except you own a safe. Always save passwords encrypted. Best in a password manager or other encryption software. Also, don’t store your passwords unencrypted on the hard drive.

10. Security queries

For security queries, select only answers that only you can know on your own. Consider beforehand what information you have already shared through social networks. Because these are easy to spy on.

11. Secret

The security of your passwords depends primarily on keeping them (always) secret! Do not use paper, do not store them unencrypted, never send passwords etc.

12. Create new accounts thoughtful

In the future, think carefully about whether you really need to create a new account right away.

We hope to have helped you with our tips. Change your passwords regularly and delete your old accounts from time to time.

Sincerely yours
Simpleum Team