We are happy to join the European Cyber Security Months again this year!
“ECSM is the EU’s annual advocacy campaign that takes place in October and aims to raise awareness of cyber security threats, promote cyber security among citizens and provide up to date security information, through education and sharing of good practices.” (Source:
The BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) coordinates the German actions in the European Cyber Security Months.
As we launched SimpleumSafe in summer 2016, we already knew that syncing would be an essential part of a great encryption app. It took one year for our team to develop synchronization the way we want it to be: easy, safe and one step ahead.
Today, we’re excited to announce that SimpleumSafe 2.0 with Extreme Secure Sync is now available for macOS and iOS!
SimpleumSafe allows the synchronization of Safes between different devices (Mac, iPad, iPhone).
we are happy to announce a new feature: Thumbnail view.
At the request of our customers we are currently working on the implementation and will publish this in version 2.1.
Now you can easily display all files and photographs in the list as small pictures. Of course you can set the size of these thumbnails easily.
We have also added thumbnails to the image viewer so that you can easily and quickly get to the desired images.
Spectre, Meltdown, WannaCry, Ransomware, Trojan – The horror messages in the area of IT security do not take off. Consumers are increasingly confused and do not know where to start protecting their computer.
We have developed SimpleumCheck to give you a little insight into which security settings exist and which ones you have activated. It is very important to us that SimpleumCheck is also seen as a kind of “learning program”.
We are happy to join the European Cyber Security Months for the third time this year!
“ECSM is the EU’s annual advocacy campaign that takes place in October and aims to raise awareness of cyber security threats, promote cyber security among citizens and provide up to date security information, through education and sharing of good practices.” (Source:
The BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) coordinates the German actions in the European Cyber Security Months.